Thursday, May 31, 2012

Ian and Maria are here!!

On Thursday afternoon, I sat outside reading The Hunger Games as Katie and I waited for my aunt and uncle to arrive. Around 2 they showed up in their very nice Ford Focus rented car and Maria jumped out to hug and say hello! It was so bizarre seeing them here, in my temporary home, all the way around the world. That afternoon, I walked with them around campus and gave them a tour of my class buildings, my favorite spots, and my running paths. Ian stopped for a meat pie at the Plaza and we finished our tour at the geology building, where I had never gone in the four months I’ve been here. As enthused geologists, they enjoyed the familiar posters and ended up having a conversation with the Director of the department about his time in America, for conferences and field study.
They came up the hill and met some of my roommates and neighbors that were in 15 and I went with them to check into their motel. The man at the reception desk kept refereeing to Ian and Maria as my mum and dad. I laughed (internally) at the thought, and how he could possibly think we resembled each other. I recommended that motel because it was where Lindsey’s mom and sister stayed when they visited last month. It turned out to be perfect for its location which was just a three minute drive to Orion college. After they unloaded the car, we walked to the Square so they could see where I’d gone the past semester for groceries and any necessities. We stocked up on Tim Tams, some fruit, and some more Tim Tams. After the square we went out for fish and chips around the corner, and ordered a family basket that ended up being more for a family of six. The tree of us struggled to get half way through the food, so I took it back to my place for people there. It was a great time just catching up and planning out the next two weeks that we’d be with them. 

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